It all began in Paris, as most worth while things do. Last March, while strolling along the
Champs Elysees, My daughter, Katy and I happened by

Not knowing about macroons, Katy ordered a
Le Saint Honore Rose-Framboise. She ate it in the
Jardin des Tuileries .

Then in June I was visiting Lynn and Olivier at
Aux Jardins des Thevenets. Lynn took me to her favorite Patissier in Espinasse Vozelle.

We bought the most tasty and beautiful macroons. It was there at Jardins des Thevenets, while lunching in garden that I fell in love with macroons. Sweet, crispy and chewy, they were heavenly.

In August, when I arrived in London, Fran, Laura,

Katy and I

decided to lunch at
Laduree in Harrods.

The interior of Laduree London wasn't as beautiful as the one on the Champs Elysees. But it was nice and the rose milkshakes were superb.

Katy of course enjoyed another
Le Saint Honore Rose-Framboise.

Could we leave without macroons? Not on your life! We bought a box for our hosts and a box for ourselves.

They were opened after dinner and devoured by four adults, two teenage girls and two-seven year old boys. The girls described them as "Bliss in a box".

In September on a layover in San Francisco, I googled macrons and found
La Boulange Patissier. We set off on a new macroon adventure.

La Boulange is a charming bakery with a very french flavor. Flower boxes graced the front.

A sweet boy placard with the daily specials greeted us as we approached the store.

The selection was mind boggling. We chose one of each flavor and two cups of coffee.

We couldn't wait to try them, so we sat out front and ate every one!

They were wonderful. Every bite was perfect, crispy and chewy. Unfortunately, they never made it home to Katy!

This weekend, while visiting my friends Uju and Pascal in New Jersey, I decided to make my own. As you can see they were not perfect.

But Pascal declared them delicious!

Although the macroons weren't perfect, the weekend was, and really that's what it's all about. Cooking, eating and enjoying life with your friends and family.

Like the box says, "Have Fun!"

All texts and pictures are sole property of The Gypsy Chef.